* PLEASE indicate in your notes if your basket will be hanging high OR lower where you see the top OR if you are transplanting into a larger container (barrel?) This allows us to play more freely with your plants.*
A classy and artistic basket, "The Janine" contains foilage in a range of colours and textures. Just a peek of flowers (usually yellows/whites.)
Janine first came to Baraka Gardens years ago and fell in love with our "all-foliage" baskets. We've been making variations of them for her ever since and name this in honour of her artistic eye!
Sun or Shade.
*Baskets may not be exactly as shown. Nature and art are tricky like that!
***For large orders (more than 6 baskets), please contact us directly at 780-221-5023 to place your order.
***Please note! We will not contact you for order pick-up until mid-May, so please be patient! We will lovingly care for your plants in our toasty greenhouse until the weather is warm enough for them to be on your deck or patio.
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